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Severe Asthma characterization in phenotypes and endotypes, by means of specific biomarkers, have led to the dichotomization of the concepts of 'personalized medicine' and 'precision medicine', which are often used as synonyms, but actually have slight meaning differences in meaning.

Personalized–precision medicine would bring to better treatment strategies in dealing with severe asthmatic patients.

In effect, the introduction of biologic therapies, which are specific therapies, has necessitated the introduction of some aspects of personalized medicine in the use of biomarkers to define clinical phenotypes that respond to such precisely targeted treatments, mainly focused on treatable traits


- Asthma: personalized and precision medicine - G. W. Canonica (Milan, Italy)
- Treatable mechanisms in severe asthma - M. Cazzola (Rome, Italy)
- Asthma, COPD and ACO: what is the best approach to refine treatable traits in these conditions? - O. Usmani (London, UK)
- Comorbid "treatable traits" in difficult asthma - P. Rogliani (Rome, Italy)
- Treatment algorithms based on treatable traits in severe asthma - S. Loukides (Athens, Greece)
- Fundamentals of pharmacology and therapeutics in personalized and precision medicine - M. G. Matera (Naples, Italy)


Obiettivo formativo

2 - Linee guida - protocolli - procedure

Mezzi tecnologici necessari

Internet Connection, Computer/Tablet

Procedure di valutazione

CME Evaluation Test


Responsabile scientifico

  • Egr. Prof. MARIO CAZZOLA
    Prof. Associato di Medicina Respiratoria, Responsabile dell'Unità di Farmacologia Clinica Respiratoria l'Università di Roma 'Tor Vergata


  • Prof. Giorgio Canonica
    "Responsabile Centro Medicina Personalizzata: Asma e Allergologia Professore Straordinario di Malattie dell'apparato respiratorio"
  • Egr. Prof. MARIO CAZZOLA
    Prof. Associato di Medicina Respiratoria, Responsabile dell'Unità di Farmacologia Clinica Respiratoria l'Università di Roma 'Tor Vergata
  • Prof. Stelios Loukides
    Professor of Respiratory Medicine - University of Athens Medical School, Attiko Hospital
  • Prof.ssa Maria Gabriella Matera
    Professor of Pharmacology - "Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Campania ""Luigi Vanvitelli""
  • Gentile Prof.ssa PAOLA ROGLIANI
    Dirigente medico UOC Malattie dell'Apparato Respiratorio Policlinico Tor Vergata, ROMA
  • Prof. Omar Usmani
    Reader (Associate Professor) and Honorary Consultant Physician - NHLI and Royal Brompton Hospital, Imperial College London

Elenco delle professioni e discipline a cui l'evento è rivolto

Medico chirurgo

  • Allergologia ed immunologia clinica
  • Continuita assistenziale
  • Geriatria
  • Malattie dell'apparato respiratorio
  • Medicina di comunita'
  • Medicina e chirurgia di accettaz. e di urgenza
  • Medicina generale (Medici di famiglia)
  • Medicina interna
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